You’re at the end of your rope. Your horse has an ongoing issue. Your farrier can’t figure it out but is willing to try new ideas.
Or, you trim your horse’s feet yourself and need the guidance of a skilled farrier to keep your horse’s feet in good shape.
A video evaluation helps sport horse owners and trainers like you better your horse’s movement, balance, and ultimately soundness. I study your horse’s movement patterns and posture to offer suggestions on how to improve.
What Do I Have To Do To Get Started?
Purchase a virtual evaluation below and I’ll contact you about scheduling your evaluation. Your form must include your phone number and email address. I will contact you to set up a time to discuss your horse after your request is received.
The Questions I Get Most Often About Video Evaluations
How Much is the Session?
For $150 you get one session and one follow up session. You get the same evaluation I give to my own corrective shoeing clients without having to ship your horse to me or without having to fly me to wherever you’re located.
How Long Is This Session?
Most sessions take between 60 and 90 minutes. In that time, I will do my best to explain my observations. I will analyze the video and photos before the phone consultation begins so our time on the phone is effectively used to discuss your horse.
How do I schedule my appointment?
Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.
Can I purchase coaching more than once?
Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again.